The great hope of Green Shinto, as for many progressive thinkers throughout the Western world, is that we can somehow recapture a proper relationship to nature, based on reverence and communion rather than exploitation. A recent article on the subject … Read the rest
Category: Animism (Page 7 of 19)
The mirror is Shinto’s most precious object, because in times past it was held to contain a person’s soul. It is why Amaterasu handed over a mirror to her descendants as the most prestigious object of reverence, for within its
The American poet and photographer, Nancy Wood (1936-2013), had an evocative name for someone inspired to write nature poetry. She was influenced by the Native American culture of shamanism, particularly the Pueblo peoples in the area around Taos in New … Read the rest
Green Shinto supporter, Ray Barnett, runs a lively blog in which he writes from a Taoist viewpoint of mankind’s relationship with nature. He has also published Earth Wisdom and other books on the subject. In this specially penned piece he
What would a Shinto garden look like? One might presume there would be a sacred tree, possibly striking in some way such as being ancient, or having an unusual form, or for being a fine example of the life-force. One … Read the rest
Some inspiring thoughts from Brain Pickings about the wonder of trees. As one of the most awe-inspiring phenomena of nature, it’s small wonder that they feature so prominently at Shinto shrines. The sacred forests there speak to our hearts and … Read the rest
Do you know how large Japan’s biggest tree is, and where it stands?
The largest circumference for a Japanese tree is 24.22