Amidst the throng of humanity at Sapporo station stands a striking sculpture. Busy commuters hurry past, but the lone figure stands defiantly still. Carved out of yellowish wood, it depicts an Ainu hunter in headdress with a long arrow … Read the rest
Category: Green issues (Page 1 of 16)
The reverence for nature undoubtedly underlies the appeal of Shinto, though it is a mistake to think there is nothing more to the religion. Nonetheless that is the part which is often assumed by some outside … Read the rest
The following is couched in academic terms but is highly relevant to the purpose of Green Shinto as it concerns sacred trees, spirituality and the environment. It is a call for papers for a workshop to be held in France, … Read the rest
In the face of the worldwide climate crisis, many people are turning to nature religions in the belief that they further environmental policies. Followers of Green Shinto will know that … Read the rest
Taishi Kato, priest of Hattori Tenjingu in Toyonaka City, Osaka, has featured on Green Shinto before. His mission is to spread awareness of Shinto as a universal religion based on living in harmony with nature. (To learn more about Kato … Read the rest
Today is the summer solstice in Japan, known as geshi. A time for celebration, surely. But as Green Shinto friend, Megan Manson, has pointed out in this article… Read the rest
“In recent decades, debates have erupted and intensified about the relationships between religions, cultures, and the earth’s living systems. Some scholars have argued that ritual and religion can play a salutary … Read the rest