Category: Japanese culture (Page 10 of 19)

Animal rights

As someone distressed by the appalling treatment of animals by human beings (factory farming being the most egregious example), it saddens me that modern Shinto shows so little interest in the subject.  Animal guardians serve the kami, and horses act … Read the rest

Harvest moon

Moon rising over the Eastern HillsA reminder that tomorrow (Mon 28th) will be the harvest full moon, traditionally celebrated by the Japanese as the most beautiful of the year.  There are lots of moon viewing parties, which in the past consisted of poetry making while … Read the rest

The art of Shinto

IMG_1093One of the great appeals of Shinto is the attractiveness of the aesthetics involved.  These extend to the architecture, the clothing, the religious tools, the rituals, the offerings, even the festivals. And along with these are the performances of dance … Read the rest

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