Thanks to Rachelle Soto, Green Shinto has been able to learn the feelings of a Saoi-dai, about whom we have written earlier (see here). Rachelle was able to gain an exclusive interview with Atsuko Kamei, who was chosen … Read the rest
Thanks to Rachelle Soto, Green Shinto has been able to learn the feelings of a Saoi-dai, about whom we have written earlier (see here). Rachelle was able to gain an exclusive interview with Atsuko Kamei, who was chosen … Read the rest
Green Shinto friend, Aike Rots, was passing through Japan recently in relation with his forthcoming doctoral dissertation on ‘The Forests of the Gods: Shinto, Nature and the Rediscovery of Sacred Space’.
Aike has been investigating green initiatives being carried out … Read the rest
Why and how did you come to formulate something called “minzoku NEO-shintô”?
When asked to define my spiritually, I usually call myself a poly-affined poly atheist. Poly-affined means maintaining membership in multiple communities, and poly-atheist means not “believing” in … Read the rest
Some people in the West come to an interest in Shinto through martial arts. Some through their sympathy with nature religions and neo-paganism. John Howard, featured here, combines both elements.
You’re Ovate of Glastonbury. Can you explain what that means?… Read the rest
Joseph Cali is the main author of the forthcoming title, Shinto Shrines. (Publication date: Nov. 30, 2012. For further details and orders, please click here.)
1) When and why did you first conceive of the book?
When I … Read the rest
Could you tell us about your background?
At Waseda University I studied the politics of forest conservation and did an internship in Kenya. It made me think about the role of culture and how to make use of traditional ways. … Read the rest
How and why did you become a volunteer at Kamigamo Jinja (Kyoto)?
When I learned that my husband was going to Afghanistan for 2 years I decided that I would return to Japan during that time. I packed up my … Read the rest
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