Category: Kanto (Page 4 of 6)

Sanja Festival (Tokyo)

Green Shinto is very Kyoto-oriented, but three interesting points caught our attention from this article about the Sanja Matsuri in Tokyo.  One is that 1.8 million are scheduled to attend.  1.8 million!!  That’s more than the entire population of Kyoto!  
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WW2 remembrance

Actions speak louder than words.  While prime minister Abe was making a carefully coded statement to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of WW2, three of his cabinet ministers were allowed to visit Yasukuni JInja. Legitimising the shrine that … Read the rest

Festival yakuza

The ties of the yakuza with Shinto are not widely-known, but they certainly exist.  They are not perhaps surprising when one considers that the mores of the yakuza are deeply rooted in Japanese traditions. It’s why gang leaders are often … Read the rest

Meiji Shrine Forest

It’s a a mixed forest of 160,000 trees covering a huge seven hectares and housing one of Japan’s most popular shrines.  It contains 240 species and and a flourishing wildlife that includes hawks, fish and tanuki racoons.  It’s a shrine … Read the rest

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